Read What Our Clients Say About Our Programs
Safe Visitation Program
“This is the best program for families . . . my child likes coming here to see his Dad.”
“You guys were great to work with. The program helped me get past my emotions and then focus on my child’s needs.”
“Staff are excellent and help me talk about my frustrations in the situation.”
“You guys are fantastic, not sure how this would have turned out for us if Pace did not have the safe visitation program.”
“I do not know what would have happened to my kids if this program was not available.”
“The visits went very well, liked the staff. Coordinator taught me a lot about my children and how to listen to them.”
“I am so glad Grande Prairie has this program. I know without it I would not have been able to see my girls and stay attached to them. Just a wonderful place to come. You made us feel comfortable and safe to talk about things."
“I want to thank you for being the go between, for me and my ex-wife. Your advice on how to help the kids get through the separation helped me out a lot. I think we will miss you for a while.”
Women's Support Group
“Essential Service . . . great program with excellent facilitators.”
“Very informative & I am learning and using new coping skills & life skills. Should have done this a long time ago . . . I am changing and watching the others change.”
“Pace has made a change in me I would never be able to do on my own . . . Thank you, Pace for giving me my life back.”
“If it weren’t for this group of amazing women and our facilitator I would be the suicidal, desperate depressed person that was my life before this program.”
“Absolutely grateful and blessed to attend the group, I fell that it is saving my life and very important for my future.”
Inter-Generational Healing
"I had to force myself to come every week, even though I looked forward to it. The course was pretty deep, it dealt with both the head stuff and the heart stuff. I loved the course, and learned a lot about myself."
"The biggest realization I had is to take care of myself, that if I am not safe, and if I cannot control my emotions, and communicate my feelings and needs, I cannot help the children build those skills. I now believe in myself, and I deserve to have safety and respect in my relationships."
"I am talking about how abuse has affected me with my sisters, we are all talking about things we never used to speak about, we want to end the trauma with our generation, we want to be there for our children."
"I never thought of myself as important before, everyone else's needs came before mine. This has flipped for me – I am setting healthy boundaries, talking about my feelings, my thoughts, what I need, and it is working. "
"I learned to recognize sexual harassment. There are a lot of things I didn't know counted as sexual harassment that happens to me. It`s not ok for me to be treated that way and now I feel more confident standing up to that."
~ Public Awareness Presentation: Student Grade 7-12
"The Who Do You Tell program is extremely well organized, presented, and thoughtful. It should be in every school. "
~ Who Do You Tell Presentation: Teacher Grade 7-12