Building Safe & Caring Communities Through Support & Education

The purpose of PACE’s Sexual Violence Awareness Program (SVAP) is to work as a conversation starter for students (Gr. 7-12) in eliminating the guilt, shame, and secrecy surrounding sexual abuse, assault, and harassment in a way that reduces these issues and their impact on our community.

PACE recognizes that the issue of sexual violence can be sensitive for some parents, schools, and communities. People often mistake the program for being “sexual education” while in fact, the program focuses on empowering youth with knowledge and empathy regarding sexual violence and is designed to be beneficial and respectful to youth, their parents, and the school community.

Sexual Violence Awareness Program

The Sexual Violence Awareness Presentation is a 2-session program for Grades 7-12. PACE offers two versions of the Sexual Violence Awareness Presentation, one for Gr. 7-9 and one for Gr. 10-12. This is to cater to the grade and developmental level of students. Each day will have activities and discussions as well as videos.

The following is an overview of the information covered in the SVAP Presentation:

Day 1

  • Define:
    • Sexual Abuse
    • Sexual Assault
    • Gaslighting
    • Love Bombing
    • Sexual Grooming
  • Discuss what makes a healthy and unhealthy relationship (relationship red & green flags activity)
  • Talk about consent (asking for a “yes”) and debunk the myths surrounding sexual violence.
  • Laws & legal age of consent.
  • Discuss coercion and how to respond to coercion tactics: emphasis on boundaries.
  • Sexting & Sextortion: How to keep yourself safe and what to do if you have been a victim of sextortion.
  • Defining “rape culture” and how to combat it (Gr. 10-12 only).
  • Sexual harassment vs. flirting: what is sexual harassment? Where does it happen?
  • Go over sexual violence statistics surrounding men, women, and the LGBT+ community.
  • A discussion on how sexual violence is never the victim’s fault.
  • Discuss what individuals and society can do to help reduce or eliminate sexual violence in our communities. 

Day 2

  • Recap of Day 1 (recap of: consent, coercion)
  • Discuss behaviors in relationships: healthy, unhealthy, abusive.
  • Define different types of respect (emotional, sexual, mental, physical)
  • In-depth discussion of unhealthy stereotypes surrounding men and women in life and the media.
  • Dangers of sexual violence in porn and how it is linked to unrealistic stereotypes surrounding men and women (Gr. 10-12 only)
  • Talk about what it means to be a “man” and a “woman” and redefine stereotypes and gender roles.
  • Answer the question “Why do people sexually offend?” with a discussion on attitudes and beliefs.
  • Coping with the aftermath of sexual violence, how to get help, and how to help a friend who’s experienced it (an emphasis is placed on the importance of telling someone).
  • Discuss how sexual violence can affect our mental health.
  • Go over the resources available.
  • Answer commonly asked questions.

The Sexual Violence Awareness Program is flexible to meet the needs of the community. Presentations can be done by request for different venues and demographics.


Program Sponsors

City of Grande Prairie Community Social Development

FCSS Greenview

FCSS County of Grande Prairie

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