News: In The Media

This page category features many interesting PACE news items that are either happening at PACE or involve the Grande Prairie community.

Building Healthy Bonds NWPT SVAM Presentation

Building Healthy Bonds – May 21st Presentation

Building Healthy Bonds – Recognizing and Addressing Unhealthy Relationships In acknowledgement of sexual violence awareness month, PACE centre will be offering a presentation on understanding and addressing unhealthy relationships. This presentation will also focus on understanding trauma and healthy coping in the aftermath of sexual violence. 1 hour workshop Location:

Building Healthy Bonds – May 21st Presentation LEARN MORE »

Inter-Generational Healing

Inter-Generational Healing

Inter-Generational Healing: A trauma informed approach to parenting (IGH or IGH-TIP) IGH is a closed support group that provides participants opportunity to understand and work through underlying and often complex issues and challenges to safe and positive parenting. Participants will build or add to their toolkits for enjoying more positive

Inter-Generational Healing LEARN MORE »

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